Online Coaching/Training/Consulting
Featuring: “Group” - Coaching, Training and Consulting: Online only with zoom (very affordable@$79.00/mo.)
Because we use zoom’s advanced video/audio/plus one on one breakout room technology, coupled with this website’s exceptional libraries, courses and meditations, is why we can offer you this transformational work so affordable.
Tuition includes: (4) 90 minute monthly sessions…weekly email support lessons and our amazing website audio libraries, and our audio assisted 21-Day, Life Design Course, including 60 supporting e-books and 15 brainwave meditations.
Make it even more affordable: For every referral you bring that enrolls into the monthly, Group Coaching, Training and Consulting classes you will receive a $50.00 voucher to be used towards any online zoom coaching.
Focus will be on you finding what you have been seeking all your life for…the falling in love with, and becoming aware of your oneness with the magnificence of your immortal aware self…with real life, in the now, energetic breakthroughs.
You may be asking, what is my Aware Self? OK. You know, it’s our best us, moving from me to we, it’s our voice of optimism, it’s our high vibration guiding light, straight from our Human Spirit, our Soul, and the voice of our Dream Team, the mind, body, spirit, and Universe. And when we tune in and stop focusing on our lower vibrational negative mind chatter, and emotional drama, we are guided and supported by the love and clarity that expands our life’s aware consciousness vs repeating unconscious emotional separation that constricts our life.
One on One private counseling is also available for $179.00/90 minutes.
In the now, all dreams seem possible, because, whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. -p. Meyers
Do we have your attention?
Let’s connect: or DM:
Facebook @Sage Hope
Instagram @OneSage
Our breakthrough Eyes Open meditation, balancing left/right brain stillness.
Our breakthrough Eyes Open meditation, balancing left/right brain stillness.
Transform Your Life
As You Engage in Transformational Group Coaching, Training, and Consulting, here are some Insights, and Benefits You Can Experience.
Being Present and Spacious With Your Self
Deepening Optimism About Your Life
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Your Attention Leading From the Heart
Inspired Motivation and Effectiveness Overall
Improved Sleep and Inner Stillness
Shifting to Deep Belief in Your Self From Disbelief
Discover That Your Perception of the External Life You See Comes From Within and Instantly Changes When You Do.
A Group Coaching, Training, and Consulting, Energy Insight.
You Are Experiencing the Echo of the Vibration That You are Putting Out.
(whatever vibe it is, our system is always looking for an aware self love upgrade) .
We Are Here to Help You Go For It! Cheers!
“Everything is Energy, We Are Energy, and Through the Power of Our Intentional Love, Attention, and Optimism, We Become aware of Our Aware Self, and Create Our Life Anew Every Moment”
Check Out Our Transformational Group Coaching Tools, Library, Courses, and Meditations.
Private Zoom, and In Person Guidance always available.
All Courses are In the Process of Being Audio Enhanced, and Instructed.
All transformational Life Coaching Interactions, are Interwoven with Real Life Transformational Tools.
Also, Over a Dozen Audio Guided, Brainwave, and Mindful Meditations to Rock Your Vibe’s Even Higher.
Over 60+ Magical E-Books to Peak Your Positive Vibe’s, and are Interwoven Through Out our Courses and Meditations.
Your Dream Team is Here to Support You in Your Transformational Breakthroughs in All Areas of Your Life.
(Your DREAM TEAM is your Mind, Body, Spirit, and The Universe Working For You)
Listen to your Dream Team when it say’s, show Me Your New Vibration, and I will show You Miracles.
If You Want to Soar in Life
(First Love Yourself)
Do we have your attention?
Let’s connect: or DM:
Facebook @Sage Hope
Instagram @OneSage