“Meditate. Breathe. Connect. Be present and discover your point of power. Flow in the Space of Oneness, the very energy essence of Aliveness before it takes on form, and experience the joy of Liberation.”
Becoming Aware of Your Magnificent Aware Self
Ask Yourself. Am I Present? The Minute You Ask that Question…You Awaken Observer Consciousness, and Discover That Your Point of Power Can Be Found In Life’s Eternal Moments of Now.
The 2018 Nobel Prize awardees in physics, beyond doubt, proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy that materializes, and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again. Nothing is solid but is rather 99.9% energy space.
This is the world of quantum physics. From a scientific level, the world we know is created inside our mind as it is the only way our brains can process it.
Physics has proven that thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-changing energy field together in the form and shape of the objects we know. And whatever you and your Dream Team (your mind, body, spirit and universe) believe, listen to, and put your focused attention, and thoughts on, you will attract, and materialize more of.
For over 30 years The Transformation Team has used these laws of physics to enhance their abilities to hold this Energy Space open for anyone truly wanting direct, and transferable access to their energy portal before their Soul takes form in brain, body, mind, and Human Spirit, resulting in their ability to access and hold open the "Calm Energy Space of Meditation" on their own for themselves, and others.
Being the space of life rather than something in it will open up an aware listening to your Dream Team’s intuitive guidance. Something powerful, and loved by all when experienced.
So why do we see a person, instead of flashing clusters of energy?
Think of a movie film roll. A film is a collection of about 24 frames per second. Each frame is separated from the other by a small space. Compared to the speed these frames change with, our eyes are tricked, and see them as a continual film.
Think about television. The 4K technology is a simple set of rows, and columns with a bunch of electrons hitting the pixels in a certain way, making an illusion of shape, and movement.
We have five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Each of these senses has a specific range (for an example, a dog hears a different range of sound than people do; snakes see a different spectrum of light than us, and so on). In other words, our senses perceive energy from a certain fixed point of view, and that is how they create images, and form our perception.
But that’s neither exact nor complete. That’s just an INTERPRETATION.
All our interpretations are based exclusively on our “inner map” of reality, but not the real truth. Our “map” is the result of the collective experience of our personal lives early formed beliefs and habits and reinforced day after day.
Our thoughts and feelings are associated with this invisible energy and, they determine what form it will take. They can literally change the universe “particle after particle” thus creating our 3D life.
Look around you.
Everything you see in our physical world began as an idea which kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.
“Everything is life giving energy…there is only one energy, and energy and matter are one and the same… therefore, we are one with the energy as we continue to awaken, and experience our aware self as the space of life - the very energy essence before life takes on form - rather than the somethings rising, and falling in it. ”
You literally turn into your most frequent thoughts…and your thoughts become things.
It is estimated that we have 60,000 thoughts on a daily basis.
85% are deemed to be negative: repeating over and over all day long sayings like:
Something is wrong - which creates fear;
This isn't it - which creates anger, and;
I or They are not good enough- which creates sadness.
And sadly 90% of these thoughts are carried over each day from yesterday.
Your life has become what you imagined and believed in.
The world is literally your mirror, and allows you to experience everything your perceived beliefs has deemed to be the truth in this 3D plane…until you change it.
Quantum physics tells us that the world is not as constant as it may appear to be. Instead, it is a place of a constant motion, which our individual, and collective thoughts keep building, tearing down, and rebuilding. It’s a perpetual mobile of thought creation.
What we believe to be true is actually an illusion, almost magic. The good news is that we can easily change these perceived beliefs/illusions, and here is just one example of an old Hawaiian healing process that has been proven to dissolve our personal perceived painful beliefs/illusions or the pain we place on or feel for others. It's called HO' OPONOPONO. These simple words, when directed to the source of your pain or someone else’s can transform the experience in a matter of moments.
“Love or the lack of love is at the heart of everything.”
You are a powerful human being, and if you're not living the life you want, and not enjoying the success, health, wealth or love you deserve, don't give up. Surrender the problem to the universe.
You have gone as far as your ego's capabilities will take you. This is a very special moment in your life. A turning point to listen beyond fear to your intuition, the language of the soul. And when one becomes committed to this awareness, all providence moves in ones favor with circumstances that no one could have imagined.
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Our Own Words, and Energy Vibes.
Russian scientific research explains the human supernatural phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous, and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns, and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced, and reprogrammed by words, and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out, and replacing single genes.
Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers, and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists, and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings, and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage, and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases, and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkaline of our DNA follow a regular grammar, and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
One can simply use words, and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays, and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.
This finally, and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis, Mediation, Prayer, and other forms of Focus, can have such strong effects on humans, and their bodies. It is entirely normal, and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands, and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio, and light frequencies, and thus repair genetic defects.
In the book “Vernetzte Intelligenz” (Networked Intelligence), Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been, just like the animals, very strongly connected to the group consciousness, and acted as a group. To develop and experience individuality we humans however had to forget hyper communication almost completely.
Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness, namely one, in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network.
Remote healing, telepathy or “remote sensing” about the state of relatives etc.. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted, and explained via the concepts of group consciousness, and hyper communication. Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality. Otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated.
Hyper communication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter, and shape things on Earth!
More and more clairvoyant children are being born. Something in those children is striving more, and more towards the group consciousness of the new kind, and it will no longer be suppressed.
When a great number of people get together through prayer or meditation, all focusing on the same outcome, we can change the world. The concept of us changing our own DNA, through our words, and vibrations, is now a Know FACT.
What are the components of our body?
The human body is comprised of nine systems, including the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary system.
What makes these systems?
-Tissues and organs.
What are tissues and organs made of?
What makes the cells?
What makes a molecule?
What makes an atom?
-Sub-atomic particles.
What makes a subatomic particle?
We are just energy light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. An energy, which is constantly changing under the surface and all of that is controlled by our powerful dream team, the brain, body, mind, universe, and energized by our soul.
“Whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon...must inevitably come to pass!”
Ask Yourself. Am I Present? Awaken the Observer. Love Your Now.
“Meditate. Breathe. Connect. Be present, and discover the Beings point of power. Flow in the aliveness as the Space of Oneness, the very energy essence of creation before it takes on form, and experience the joy of liberation”.
A simple, direct but fundamental shift in perception of living in the eternal space of now reveals that all there is – is the awareness of liberation, the aliveness of oneness. No effort is needed for that aliveness to be. Nobody is doing aliveness. No effort is needed for that aliveness to be. Thinking, feeling, seeing, speaking, sitting, standing, walking, all is simply the being seeking the aliveness of oneness. Resisting oneness is oneness resisting. Seeking oneness is oneness seeking itself, oneness hiding from awareness.
Here is the awareness of oneness, the realization that the dream seeker is also oneness as liberation, the silent witness of stillness, which is the celebration of unconditional love. This is all there is.
All appearance is the energy essence of oneness individuated, into the you’s and me’s and the nature’s of life. All that apparently manifests in the hypnotic dream of separation – the world, the life story, the search for home, is one appearing as two, the nothing appearing as everything, the absolute appearing as the particular.
There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny and choice functioning at any level beyond your oneness with all aliveness. Nothing is happening but this, as it is, invites the apparent dream seeker to rediscover that which is, the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal energy essence of creation from which unconditional love overflows, and celebrates, it is the wonderful mystery.
How Your Attention, Energy, and the Law of Attraction Really Works
If you could see under a strong electronic microscope, and do other experiments on it, you would see that you are made up of 99.9% space, of clusters of forever changing energy in the shape of electrons, neutrons, photons, and other sub-atomic particles.
So is everything else around you. Quantum physics tells us that the act of observing the object is the one that causes the object to be there.
The object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, during observation, your attention is focused on something, and your intention literally creates that thing by enlisting the magical support of your Dream Team…Your body, brain, mind, spirit and, universe. And that is called the "Law of Attraction".
Critical heartfelt thinking beyond old programing deepens presence.
Thought has no power over you unless you believe it.
And Remember, It’s not you unless you say so Old Master.
Your space, energy world is consisted of brain, body, mind, and spirit. Each of these functions are unique. What you can see with your own eyes and experience with your own body is the physical world, which we call the brain body. The brain body is an effect created by a cause. That cause is called THOUGHT.
The brain, body, mind, spirit, and universe cannot produce. It can only experience and be experienced… it’s a unique ability. On the other hand, the thought cannot experience…it can make, create, and interpret. Thought needs a world of concept relativity (the physical world, brain, body, mind, and universe) to be experienced.
The energy essence is everything. The one that gives life thought, and the brain, body, mind, spirit physical experience.
The brain/body/mind has no power to create, although it gives the illusion that it does. This illusion/maya is the reason behind so many frustrations. The brain body is a pure effect, and has no power to cause or create without energy.
All of the ‘Art of the Breath, Light, and Love’ personal growth counseling, trainings, and coaching and consulting work is designed to transform ourselves to become aware that everything, every being is an individuation of the one energy, the space in which all things rise, and fall in...from there we discover that we are not that which is rising, and falling, but in fact, we are the Energy Space in which life exists before it takes form. This conscious discernment creates the freedom to focus our attention on attracting what we really want vs what our perceived beliefs/illusions say is wanted.
For we see what we believe as certainly as we believe what we see.
The key is to use this information and our other transformational awakening tools to step outside yourself and see yourself and the Universe in a different way than we see it now, so that we can transform ourselves beyond the preconceived illusions we already hold.
Cheers with Light, Love, and Liberation Forever,
The Transformation Team
Note: Parts of this information was published research, open to the public by the 2018 Nobel Prize awardees in Physics.