The Celebration Experience Presents:

The Celebration Experience Presents:

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Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly


The ‘Art of the Breath, Light, and Love’ Weekend Retreat, can awaken your aware self’s personal energy presence, and create a calm energy state of meditation that when mastered, can help you to tap into the source of your higher love choices, reduce fears, and in concert with your dream team (your mind, body, spirit, and universe) positively influence the people, and world around you. - Poppy Sage, Uncle David and the Transformation Team.


KEY ONE – HAPPINESS - Starts With an Awareness That Everything Happens in the Eternal ‘Space of Now’

INSIGHT ONE - Step Outside of Yourself – Awaken Your Inner Observer, and take a Look Inside

  • Be the watcher, and know that thoughts, feelings, and emotions have no authority over you

  • Realize that the “WHO” that you are is the watcher/observer not what is being watched

  • Stop perceiving past suffering as real as it doesn’t exist in the Space of Now

  • Be the witness, have aware presence in the Now first, and ego thinking second

  • Ask yourself, where have I been Now, where am I Now, where might I be Now (There is only Now)

  • Be authentic, honest, truthful with your self and remember it’s not you unless you say so old master

  • Live the positive mantra- what’s good about this that I’m not seeing

  • Once you get clear, to stay clear, and happy, avoid dipping into the minds addictions

  • Be the larger Self connected in the eternal Space of Now vs the mind’s ego personality’s of the past

  • Place your attention on your larger loving Self energy vs the small ego character energy, identity or personality 

  • Let that which looks, rest within itself! 

  • Beyond happiness and unhappiness there is inner peace!

  • Look for the lessons in all conditions, it will help you be present, and make your more real in the moment

  • The quality of our lives is proportional to the quality of intent we hold within

  • Once you get clear, to stay clear, and happy, avoid dipping into the minds addictions

  • What would you rather be, the space of life or something in it?

  • If you think you are something in the space, ole master, you now have to contend with gravitational magnetism. Be careful, you will find yourself competing, thwarting others, thinking there’s not enough to go around, so you must get yours, aging, dying, being sick, stressed out, and believing your mind talk is you. Had enough?

  • You are the space in which life happens and the energy of life is malleable to your intention. Create a masterpiece!

  • If you are the space of life, you will live in irresistible attraction. Magnetically drawing the spiritual beings to you that will illuminate you. The other way works, is just temporary.

  • Re-awakening is one thing, staying awake is the key.

  • Awakening from our sleep condition is one thing, to sustain our awakened condition takes the daily use of team support, state-of-the-art meditative technology, perseverance and the process of “self-remembering”

  • “To us the awakened Human Being embodies all that is modern. The power of emotion, of physical expression, free moving energy, chic style, the fearless embrace of life. 

  • An awakened Being moves with passion, creates freely, their connection to life is unmistakable in their touch, in how they relate, they are spiritually alive - always looking forward both individually, and together in service to humanity.”

  • Happiness is the Key to a Long Life - Don’t Worry - Be Happy, these simple timeless words from the 80’s holds the key to living a long life. 

  • Place your attention on your larger loving Self energy vs the small ego character energy, identity or personality 

“All your hopes for the future, and even memories of the past can only happen in the Present Moment, the Space of Now. The Present Moment is your Point of Power where everything, including your Happiness, comes together. Have you ever been in a room with many unhappy people? How did it feel in there?

Now imagine what billions of unhappy people are doing to the world. That unhappiness creates a collective energy that goes into the environment, and causes more damage to the environment, and Human Kind than everything else combined.”

KEY TWO – ENERGY – Energy is Immortal, there is Only One Energy, Energy and Matter are One, and the Same, Everything, and Everyone is Energy, Therefore We are One with the Immortal Energy.

INSIGHT TWO - Connect to Your Immortal Energy Self, you, in concert with your Dream Team, (the mind, body, spirit, and universe). You, the Dream Team is meditating, breathing, and connecting with you seamlessly. It is listening, and experiencing you in your entirety.

  • Stop trying to change the mind, and align yourself with the possibility nature of the Human Spirit, the mind will come along

  • Get into the act of flowing with, and embracing the energy instead of thwarting it

  • Become aware of the energy for it is the play of consciousness rising, and falling in the Space of Now

  • Focus on the person you know you were born to be, and have already become inside

  • Seek personal, and spiritual growth to assist in the transformation of your tired old stories - which can only happen in the Now

  • Master being the space of immortal oneness in life vs thinking you are something separate in it

  • Break the patterns of suffering that disrupt the celebration of your life -trust the energy for you are one with it

  • Avoid believing, and feeding old negative mind programming with your energy and attention

  • Seek personal and spiritual growth

  • Master being the space of life vs something in it

  • Trust the energy for you are it

  • Break the patterns that disrupt celebration

  • Energy and Matter are one and the same, there is only one energy, therefore - You are One with the energy

  • Fall in love with the energy, infinite intelligence, the space. See it as your lover and never let anything come between you and your lover, the space. No one or nothing is important enough to leave space for

  • When the mind, and body sees itself as the human spirit, transformation occurs, when the human spirit sees itself as space, enlightenment occurs. When you se yourself as space, welcome home

  • Most of our energy is used up thwarting, and repelling what’s in front of us, attempting to move it out of the way because it doesn’t fit our pre-conceived pictures of what’s suppose to be there. Given you were probably less than 10 years old when you formed the pictures, stop it

  • Energizing Space- “With one breath, with one flow, you will know space, and unmistakable connection to life, linked to the invisible, self-illuminated by the individual, desired by everyone”

  • You are the space of life instead of something in it. You are beyond thoughts, ad feelings, you are not the mind or body, you are the space in which they occur

  • Catch 22, everything is energy, got it

  • Yoga, meditation, and breathing can expand awareness, raises your vibrational energy frequency, and shifts cellular DNA memory

  • Obey the natural laws of the body. Its functional sensory energy system is designed to receive energy instead of thwart it. When your chakra sensory energy system is receiving, you will experience trust, vitality, power, love, expression, inspiration, and connection to the life current. It’s nature’s gift, honor it.

  • Where the energy is there is consciousness -Paramahansa Yogananda

  • How we were trained to get energy. Everything is the play of energy.

  • Intimidation

  • Interrogator

  • Aloofness

  • Victim/Poor me

  • All are habits, patterns, formats, brain-washing, passed down family to family. You can end the insanity.

  • Tapping into and using the unified field of energy

  • Wherever your attention goes, so goes your energy. If you place your attention on another to get what you want, you are hampering their god-given freedom to create their way

  • It’s much cleaner to achieve through vision, example, and leadership

  • Benefits from living and using the self-luminous field of all creation

  • Benefits include - feeling of deep relaxation, and greater sense of well-being, euphoria, increased creativity, clarity of insight, greater balance, and calm of everyday life improvements in specific life issues of health, wealth, love, and access to non-ordinary, and multi-dimensional states of awareness.

  • Understanding your body and its energy systems

  • When you raise your energy frequency - you perform in a different world- you create a different world

  • Energy and Matter are one and the same, there is only one energy, therefore - You are One with the energy

  • The entire universe has been created to help human consciousness, the true self, the soul, YOU, achieve your desire! That which you are focused on! That which you have your attention on! That which you intend!

“Meditate. Breathe. Connect. Be present, awaken the Observer, and discover your point of power in the Now. Flow in the aliveness as the Space of Oneness, the very immortal energy essence of creation before it takes on form, and experience the joy of liberation”

A simple, direct but fundamental shift in perception of living in: “The Eternal ‘Space of Now’ reveals that all there is – is the Awareness of Liberation, the Aliveness of Immortal Oneness.” 

No effort is needed for that immortal aliveness to be.  Nobody is doing aliveness.  Seeking, thinking, feeling, seeing, speaking, sitting, standing, walking, all is simply the being seeking the immortal alive oneness. Resisting oneness is oneness resisting itself. Seeking oneness is oneness seeking itself. Hiding from oneness is oneness hiding from its immortal self.

Here is the awareness of oneness, the realization that the dream seeker is also oneness as liberation, as the silent witness of stillness, as the celebration of the immortal aliveness of unconditional love. All appearance is the energy essence of oneness individuated, into the you’s and me’s, and the nature’s of life.  All that apparently manifests in the hypnotic dream of separation – the world, the life story, the search for home, is one appearing as two, the nothing appearing as everything, the absolute appearing as the particular. All in search of the Immortal energy essence of the alive oneness.

There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny, and choice functioning at any level beyond your awareness of yourself as oneness in concert with your dream team, the mind, body, spirit, and universe.  Nothing is happening but this, as it is, as it invites the apparent dream seeker to rediscover that which is, the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal immortal energy essence of creation from which unconditional love overflows, and celebrates, it is the wonderful mystery on life’s never ending journey.

KEY THREE – PHILOSOPHY – It Is Our Philosophical Set of the Sail That Determines the Course of Our Life. To Change Our Current Direction We Have to Change Our Philosophy Not Our Circumstances. Our Dream Team (mind, body, spirit, and universe) Helps Make It So.

INSIGHT THREE - Our Philosophy Creates Energetic Karmic Action: What Goes Around Comes Around, Good or Bad. Choose Self Responsibility Over Victimhood, it Will Set You Free.

  • Your Dream Team is mirroring back to you, the image of your internal you

  • All energy, thoughts, and feelings are creative, they go out, and curve back upon you

  • Thoughts, and feelings are not yours unless you say so old master

  • Ask yourself: Are my philosophy, and beliefs above the line (positive) or below the line (negative)

  • Start with the desire, visualize an end - feel into what you want - trust your intuition – your attention, and intent will generate commitment

  • There’s only one human upset which is, the lost connection of the aware Presence of the Immortal Energy Essence of Aliveness in This Space of Now

  • All energy, thoughts, and feelings go out and curve back upon you

  • Are your beliefs, and philosophy above the line or below the line (above board or not

  • Start with the end in mind

  • There’s only one human upset which is the loss of the present

  • What Comes First, Context/Content; Function/Form; Vision/Goals; Philosophy/Circumstance

  • It is our philosophical set of the sail that determines the course of our lives.

  • To change our current direction, we have to change our philosophy not our circumstances

  • Philosophy- Attitude, Beliefs, Action, Results, Lifestyle

  • You can trust your dream team ( the mind, body, spirit, ) for what goes around comes around. Wherever you’re coming from is going out and curving back upon you at light speed, 186, 000 miles per second. It’s like never leaving home without it

  • Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass!. - Paul Meyer

  • To move on- want what you have

  • To move on- end your resistance to what is

  • Ones does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” -C.G. Jung

  • Confiscator or Creator

  • Appreciating your Dream Team - the mind, body, spirit, universe

  • Energy is malleable to your intention. They always carry out your beliefs.

  • Thou art God. When thou know thine own existence thus, thou knows God; and if not, not.- Ibn Al-Arabi, 12th Century Mystic

  • Love your body, for only through the body can you experience the unified field of energy, the infinite intelligence, God

  • The body works best when it’s vital, and alive

  • Be with your “Inner-Self” and all else will follow

  • Embrace and enjoy what is in front of you. Your Dream Team brought it to you. Be-Do-Have

The weekend retreat uses evolutionary Meditation entrainment tools, such as Breath and Eye Work, Audio, Video and other breakthrough (Energy Space Processes) to assist your dream team access to your sub-conscious mind’s library for rewriting old programs, and to deepen your ‘Calm Energy Space of Meditation’ along with your ability to access, and live in the flow of this Transformational Space of Now; at will.

KEY FOUR - COMMUNICATIONS – The Expression of a Clear, Aware Presence in this Immortal Eternal Space of Now

INSIGHT FOUR - Everything Rises, and Falls in the Eternal Moments of Now. Beliefs Paint Your Thoughts, Feelings and Reactions

  • Seek first to understand, and then to be understood

  • Stop telling your tired old stories, focus on listening, observing, and honoring the space of life vs all the something’s in it

  • It’s never you old master unless you say so, and if you claim it, then it becomes your reality

  • We are helpless to what is rising, and falling in the moment, and can’t change it, for when we see it, it has already happened – what a relief

  • Whatever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass

  • Experience the trust of happily living in your skin when you are connected in the Moment of now

  • Focus on listening, observing ,and honoring the Space of Now - The price of freedom is constant vigilance

  • Let go of the cycle of drama - it’s just an attempt to control what is rising, and falling, and does not exist in the Space of Now

  • All of life is a story. What stories are you enrolling yourself and others into?

  • What ever you say old master, is the way it is, for life is a mantra

  • We are renewed cellularly very year. There is no old stuff, only new stuff looking old because we keep our old energy and story alive. 

  • We live in a physical world, people identify with you through your story. You are the master of your story and everyone has one. Even, “I don’t have a story” is a story. So, the best story wins, create a great one. 

  • Oh, by the way, “avoid landing” in your story!

  • Keep saying it the way it is for you and it becomes your law in the universe!

  • Seek first to understand, and then to be understood

  • Experience the trust of living in the GAP - Gratitude, Appreciation, and Praise

  • Focus on listening, observing, and honoring the space

  • Vividly Imagine, ardently desire, and sincerely create a positive attitude regarding all outcomes

  • The mind is mis-understood, it just carries out the energy, positive or negative. Use the mind as a coach, it will reflect back to you when you are out of space or in space.

  • Stop blaming the mind, it’s just doing it’s job!

  • A quick energy re-balancing is to say “cancel, cancel, cancel” to negative self talk, embrace the energy and remember, 

  • The person you’ve become curves back upon you, not the person you would like to be. Your Dream Team reads the energy of what you believe. To change your beliefs, raise your frequency. Now you Know!

  • You can tell when the mind is operating without the guidance of the human spirit, its favorite survival phrases are; something’s wrong, which creates fear; this isn’t it, which creates anger; you’re not good enough, which creates sadness. 

  • It’s good thing you’re not the mind, so stop believing it’s you.

  • Your Attention and Intention activates the Law of Attraction!

  • What ever you desire you place your attention on, you attract more of it and you begin to vibrate at the same energy frequency!

  • If you place your attention on the mind’s stories (Yours or someone else) instead of the inner space of un-manifested source energy, you begin to vibrate at that frequency. And because you don’t like it, you begin to resist, which causes separation, illness, and breakdown!

  • Ask for what you want!! NOT what you don’t want

  • Irresistible attention, irresistible attraction creates irresistible creation

  • What goes around, comes around

  • Whether you say you’re right or wrong, you are, ole master!

  • Genius Is: directly proportionate to your degree of participation in life. 

  • Stop negative self talk by saying Cancel - Cancel - Cancel which brings you present

  • The Point of Power is in the Moment 

  • Good Thing There is Only Now 

  • Soar into the GAP!

  • Gratitude  - a state of being; grateful, thankful

  • Appreciation - Recognition of the quality, value, significance, of magnitude of people and things

  • Awareness - or delicate perception especially of aesthetic qualities or values

  • Praise - an expression of warm approval or admiration

“A direct experience of the conscious awakening of your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Universe through Evolutionary Meditation (Space Processes) is like a health, and happiness upgrade.

Connecting your Presence with the Space of Now, enhances your cognition, your mood inducing empathy, and a youthful rejuvenating love force that will consciously inspire, uplift, and ignite your evolutionary growth”.

KEY FIVE – COMMITMENT – When One is Committed All Providence Moves in Ones Favor, That No One Could Have Imagined.

INSIGHT FIVE - “Weather like thoughts and feelings, brilliant or dark, these thoughts, and feelings drifting through your mind are not you, do not define you, and probably are not even anything you came up with. They are merely clouds. You are the sky.”

  • Come Present to Now - be willing to discipline your mind’s ego Self for alignment with your higher Self

  • Be teachable by your Dream Team, (your mind, body, spirit, and universe), as they listen and feel into what you truly believe and want, then reveal back to you the very same

  • Harness the Law of Attention which activates the Lay of Attraction, for what you place your attention on, your consciousness, and energy will follow creating more of what you are focusing on

  • Empower, and flow with the energy space of pure potential verses control it ,and you will see that your path is lit

  • Be Present to your Dream Team - Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Universe is your work horse, and is listening to your beliefs. Be careful of what you believe

  • Be willing to love the people you work and serve, with the constant vigilance of aware presence

  • Champion the success of everything and everyone

  • Ardently have a burning desire for life – your attention, and intention activates, the law of abundance, and attraction

  • Illuminate the Space of Now with your commitment of love, and experience love growing all through, and around you

  • Be willing to discipline your ego self for alignment with your higher self

  • Be teachable by your universe 

  • Be willing to work and serve

  • Champion the success of everything and everyone 

  • Ardently have a burning desire for life

  • Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then one’s Providence (your dream team) moves in your favor too.

  • BE HERE NOW! There is always now.

  • The truth of who we are is ours already. When we are present, it is present. Each moment we focus the mind’s attention inward, off of the fear, anger, sadness, of the past or the future, we experience “the power of now” It is in this space that we awaken our conscious awareness to the inner experience of life’s pure un-manifested, Source Energy. It is our birthright to tap this forever flame of inner joy and stillness that outwardly manifests itself in our everyday life as peaceful mind, healthy body, and vibrant spirit.

  • Staying in space is a way out of pain and suffering, both physical, and psychological.

  • Consciously direct your attention inward to your being, to the un-manisfested source energy!

  • Create a conscious presence in the moment, beyond the limiting fear, anger, sadness stories, and identities of the past, or prophesies of the future!

  • 3 Options to life situations that make you unhappy. Lovingly!!! Get away from it, Change it, Accept it

  • And do it without resistance, make wrong, apathy, or leaving space - the un-manisfested source energy, the moment , the now!

  • The Power of Commitment

  • “This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” ― George Bernard Shaw

  • Each of our 60 trillion cells can only carry out one function at a time, love or fear. The mind is single focused, it’s either love or fear. The human spirit is either awake or asleep. Choose!


  • Sure you’re good at giving, it’s safe. Move to receiving, let the energy in, let the people in, in-to-see-me (intimacy) and enjoy!

  • Never let someone’s opinion of you become your reality. Freedom to be you, is your greatest gift to humanity. 

  • Making a Difference 

  • An awaken Human Spirit holding space for a world that works for everyone, with nothing and no one left out. 

  • Be Present to your Dream Team - Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Universe is your work horse, and is listening to your beliefs. Be careful of what you believe 

  • Be willing to love the people you work and serve, with the constant vigilance of aware presence

  • Champion the success of everything and everyone

  • Ardently have a burning desire for life – your attention, and intention activates, the law of abundance, and attraction

  • Illuminate the Space of Now with your commitment of love, and experience love growing all through, and around you

Our Evolutionary Meditation Systems won’t be found anywhere else. The first thing you notice is how the (Space Processes) quiets the mind, and body while awakening the silent Witness, our Conscious Self, which gives us a whole brain functionality that connects our intellect, emotions, passions, and creativity to our awareness, wisdom, and evolutionary desires and insights. These transformative awakenings will help you clear up your psychology, improve your relationships, and accelerate your growth on many spiritual, personal and professional levels.

KEY SIX – BALANCE - Meditate - Embrace the Energy vs Thwart, Fix, Change or Try to Start or Stop it – Just Let it Be. Remember, Whatever, and Whenever You are Observing it, it is Already Over. Being the Silent Witness is When Knowledge Becomes Presence.

INSIGHT SIX - Mindful Meditation, is proven to help awaken the process of your brain body’s bare attentional networks, (ie, awareness without thought-the silent witness). This highest level of nonjudgmental awareness will help you in obtaining a better-balanced resilient higher Self.

  • Meditate - Being where you are when you are there (Being in the Space of Now) keeps you clear, happy and balanced

  • When the impossibility of changing the moment strikes you, arises the Space of Now, and freedom, and balance blends naturally.

  • People are delightfully Human - it’s not personal – for all people see, is their self

  • Learn the art of un-attachment - to move on, want what you have

  • Honor diversity - respect the experiences, values and beliefs of others

  • Have fun - return to childhood passions - do only what you love to, be- do - have

  • Have the philosophy that the world is your playground for your games of health, wealth, and love for all. Your Dream Team will make it so

  • To Stay IN Space or Be Here Now

  • Treat life like a smorgasbord of food!

  • The law of attraction!

  • The harder you push against something, the more you vibrate in harmony with it!

  • Your work is to get happy, and stay there! The universe knows exactly what you want - space!

  • To experience true spirituality “avoid landing” in I’m enlightened! 

  • Replace Loneliness with being alone in space. Alone - AL-ONE! Celebrate your awareness, oh liberated gods of forever. Let the light pour in. See the truth with sudden blinding clarity, and enjoy the ride!

  • Stay in Your Core

  • Be Inner Directed

  • Experience the energy

  • Unite with the energy

  • Open up and receive the energy

  • Never let anyone or anything pull you from the core.

  • One great way to stay present and awake is to let the old familiar floats ( old sensory filled memories) float on by.

  • If you entertain them, they become you. And you may be gone for quite awhile!

  • Balance

  • Be Where You Are When You’re There

  • The Great Attraction

  • Women open men’s hearts

  • Men quiet down a woman’s advanced radar system

  • Women have an advanced radar system to see the detail.

  • Men have a simple energy system to see the big picture.

  • Women are the hunters. They hire, and fire all relationships. 

  • They pro-create all life, build the nest, and choose their mate.

  • Men - you cannot be with a woman unless they say so!

  • How to lose your power in a relationship. Never place anybody or anything before or in place of space

  • How to create competition in a relationship

  • Try to change each other to be a man or a woman

  • De-polarization occurs if you’re successful 

  • Science has proven nothing ever dies, therefor, death is a belief system. The single cel amoeba re-divides forever - it’s immortal.

  • The human cell re-divides about 42 times, and dies. 

  • Ever wonder why?

  • And we humans were gifted with choice!

  • Health 

  • 1/2 Dozen Daily Rites of Longevity

  • Philosophy of space and positive expectancy

  • Yogic one-eyed Ham-sa meditation and breathing 

  • Fresh fruits and veggies

  • Copious amounts of water and minerals

  • Eat moderately, and routinely

  • Daily aerobic exercise

“Tap into life’s evolutionary shift from ‘fear based Me Space competition’ to love’s empowering ‘We Space cooperation’. Give everything - want nothing, it will open the door to your evolutionary growth. Come present to the Space of Now, and access your inner ‘Calm Energy Space of Meditation’ and, wake up to your magnificence.

KEY SEVEN – LEADERSHIP - Choose Life - People are Counting on You – Bring Forth Possibility, and Opportunity with All That You Say or Do. Cultivate an Environment that Honors the Energy Space of Now.

INSIGHT SEVEN - It only works if you become committed to, and live as the Energy Space of Now vs just doing the concept called living as Energy Space of Now

  • Ask yourself - how does it get better than this – then expect more positive, creative growth

  • Never make anyone or anything wrong. Look for and share life’s love, possibilities and opportunities

  • Leadership - doing the right thing when there is nothing to gain and no one is looking

  • Be the Space - tell the truth - keep your word - open your heart

  • Get free, stay free - nothing to fix or solve - everything is perfect love in the Oneness of Now

  • Become a Spiritual Being without forgetting your humanity

  • Be a passionate supporter of life, including animals, and the planet

  • Be the transformational jolt of conscious awareness that ignites the sparks of transformational change

  • First be the commitment of what you want, then the doing comes naturally, for form follows function and content follows context – then have the results you envisioned (Be-Do-Have)

  • The world always welcome’s, and is attracted to awakened Human Spirit’s – set your sights on creating and sharing Oneness, becoming one and remaining one as who you are.


Expanding your Self’s happiness, and health beyond stress, anxiety and depression is made simple by using Mindful Meditation Processes as a part of your daily routines. Nourishing the observer’s experience of Self, (you, in concert with your Dream Team, the mind, body, spirit, and universe) will physically, mentally, emotionally ,and spirituality, open up a whole new way of thinking, feeling, and experiencing Self love.

Mindful Meditation Processes can create in you, inner-peace, happiness, and a passion for life and, (most of all a more conscious love connection to your Self, you, in concert with your Dream Team, the mind, body, spirit, and universe). Your Dream Team is meditating, breathing, and connecting with you seamlessly. It is listening, and experiencing you, and your beliefs in their entirety.

Which is why it is so important to nourish being present in the now, as the conscious observer.

Your Dream Team works with you as your Self, based upon your beliefs, and commitments. Until one is committed there is hesitancy, always a chance to hold back…however, once one is committed all providence moves in ones favor that no one could have imagined.

-Experience transformational eyes-open, and breath-work meditations, and processes not found anywhere else that quickly, and easily removes all stress from your human energy system so that you can experience this spacious at-oneness vibration of love with your Self, and nature. 

-Imagine expanding your awareness until the Human field of energy is vividly, and colorfully illuminated as you experience transformation by the light.

-Imagine living in the Space where your communications with your Self, and others are of trust, love, and presence.

-Imagine your life filled with spontaneous burst of pleasure, and happiness as you experience being profoundly Present in this eternal moment of Now.  This transformation by the light is now a simple reality – and total freedom.  

Vision Statement

Celebrate life by participating with a global team, in awakening the Human Spirit, bringing the earth into harmony, and aligning world thought with the infinite potential of Humanity. Share in the adventure of discovering, and uniting people, projects, and resources that say “YES” to the health, wealth, and love of all life, and the planet.


  • Expanding your Self’s happiness, and health beyond stress, anxiety and depression is made simple by using Mindful Meditation Processes as a part of your daily routines. 

  • Nourishing the observer’s experience of Self, (you, in concert with your Dream Team, (the mind, body, spirit, and universe) will physically, mentally, emotionally, and spirituality, open up a whole new way of thinking, feeling, and experiencing Self love.  

  • Mindful Meditation Processes can create in you, inner-peace, happiness, and a passion for life and, (most of all a more conscious love connection to your Self, you, in concert with your Dream Team, (the mind, body, spirit, and universe). Your Dream Team is meditating, breathing, and connecting with you seamlessly.  It is listening, and experiencing you, and your beliefs in their entirety. 

  • Which is why it is so important to nourish being present in the now, as the conscious observer.

  • Your Dream Team works with you as your Self, based upon your beliefs, and commitments.  Until one is committed there is hesitancy, always a chance to hold back…however, once one is committed all providence moves in ones favor that no one could have imagined.  

  • Experience transformational eyes-open, and breath-work meditations, and processes not found anywhere else that quickly, and easily removes all stress from your human energy system so that you can experience this spacious at-oneness vibration of love with your Self, and nature.  

  • Imagine expanding your awareness until the Human field of energy is vividly, and colorfully illuminated as you experience transformation by the light.

  • Imagine living in the Space where your communications with your Self, and others are of trust, love, and presence.

  • Imagine your life filled with spontaneous burst of pleasure, and happiness as you experience being profoundly Present in this eternal moment of Now.  This transformation by the light is now a simple reality – and total freedom. 

  • First be, then the doing comes, followed by having results ( be-do-have)

  • Get free - stay free - nothing to fix or solve -everything is perfect love

  • “Do the right thing” leadership

  • Hold the space with an open heart

  • Become a spiritual Being without forgetting your humanness 

  • Be a passionate supporter of all of life

  • When you walk into a room illuminate it, brightened it without needing to take credit for it. Remember the universal law of reciprocation, what comes around goes around.

  • What do you want to curve back to you, love or fear?

  • It is our philosophical set of sail’s that determines the course of our lives. To change our current direction, we have to change our philosophy not out circumstances.

  • Bear Everything, Do Nothing. Hear Everything, Say Nothing. Give Everything, Want Nothing. Serve Everyone, Be Nothing, drives the ego crazy

    20 Qualities of Productive Leaders

  • I am self confident, and dynamic.

  • I respect, and love myself, and others.

  • I am sincere, and flexible, without limiting boundaries.

  • I invoke trust, and respond to inner spiritual guidance.

  • I am aware of, and focus on, positive motivations.

  • I experience, and share my own inner joy, and sense of humor.

  • I am calm, cool, and collected.

  • I am aggressive, and passive at the appropriate times.

  • I am balanced in my conscious and unconscious minds.

  • I make clear suggestions to others, I respect their decisions.

  • I am loyal to my inner self, rather than external things.

  • I do not become emotionally involved with other people’s problems.  

  • I stay materially, and spiritually compact, and focused.

  • I am perceptive, balanced, and patient.

  • I am accepting, non-judgmental, and learning always.

  • I stay positive, and open to the best in me, and all of life.

  • I am empathetic, compassionate, and considerate.

  • 1 am aware that all things are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

  • I am firm but fair, and gentle when others are growing around me. 

  • I live a breath at a time.


Energy - I have opened to receiving the energy. I now see myself as one with the energy.

Philosophy - My philosophy is to choose life, and space. My single focused movement towards my purpose will always motivate me.

Communications - I am the master of Irresistible Attraction. I will always communicate love, for what goes around comes around.

Commitment  - I freely use the power of positive expectancy to deepen my commitment. My commitment is unswerving to space, and my purpose.

Balance - I am always using both male, and female energy in all situations. I easily balance my work, family, and relationships. 

Leadership - As a leader, I will persist to stay in space. I am a leader committed to the service of myself and others.

Be In Service to the Energy

  • I am inspired with my special sense of purpose.

  • I walk with a sure sense of my inner authority.

  • I am organized, and my priorities are clear in my mind.

  • I orchestrate complex events with a masterful touch. Things fail into place when I reveal my plans. 

  • I move smoothly from one project to the next with no wasted motion. 

  • Throughout the day I gain stamina, and momentum as my successes build.

  • I believe in myself. I am disciplined. I follow through on my goals, and agreements everyday. 

  • I enter each day, and every encounter relaxed, flexible, and prepared for excellence. 

  • I give my best to me, my life, my loved ones, and the family of humanity. 

  • I show my best qualities. I enjoy my fulfilling opportunities. I’m great!

  • I accept mu oneness will all life.

To Lead is to Serve

-   1832 Failed in Business - bankruptcy.

  • 1832 Defeated for legislature.

  • 1834 Failed in business - bankruptcy.

  • 1835 Fiancee died.

  • 1836 Nervous breakdown.

  • 1838 Defeated in Election.

  • 1843 Defeated for US Congress.

  • 1848 Defeated for US Congress.

  • 1855 Defeated for US Senate.

  • 1856 Defeated for Vice President.

  • 1858 Defeated for US Senate.

Abraham Lincoln - Elected President in 1860


  • “It is far better to dare mighty things, even though checked by failure, then to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much no suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory or defeat” - Theodore Roosevelt 

  • Remember to stay in the core, there is only now, everything used to be, and it’s never you unless you say so, ole Master!

  • Your future now has a great chance!

  • When you no longer need to take credit for the past, present, and future, your spiritual essence will shine, and you will be free to enjoy the moment! 

  • Keep your eye on the future, Stay present in the moment, remember everything used to be, and ask for what you want vs what you don’t want. Let the good times roll!

  • Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It’s not just in some of us: it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Nelson Mandela

  • It’s Up to You

One song can spark a moment.

One flower can make the dream.

One tree can start a forest.

One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship.

One handclasp lifts a soul. 

One star can guide a ship at sea.

One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation.

One sunbeam lights a room.

One candle wipes out darkness.

One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.

One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits.

One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom.

One heart can know what’s true.

One life, can make the difference.

You see, it’s up to you!

  • To be a great spiritual leader, be in service. It expands yourself beyond who you’ve become. To lead is to serve!

  • The IVAM Process





  • Everyone has ideals, visualize them through your senses, actualize them by being in action with what’s in front of you, materialize them by embracing the physical reality, and enjoy the ride of abundant health, wealth, and love

  • Your IDEALS make sure they have SMARTS

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Realistic

T - Tangible

S - Service


  • Removes the taking it personal syndrome

  • Puts everything, and everyone into a cycle of completion

  • Builds teamwork

  • Strives for excellence 

  • Vision Creates Reality

  • Check Your Results

  • You and Visualization

  • If You Can See and Feel It First - it’s Yours!

  • Place your Ideal thought into the pure stream of Consciousness for 17 seconds

  • Keep placing the thought until all other thoughts stop, and it’s yours.

  • Actualization

  • Creating Closure, and Structure

  • The Act of Doing - Being in Action

  • Transforming What’s Actual - Above the Line

  • Embracing What’s Curving Back Upon You

  • Managing Your Creation

  • Materialization

  • It’s Important to Want It - then Let It Go and Enjoy the Process!

  • Regarding wealth, only do what you love to do, and the universe will deliver what you love.

  • By the way, touch yourself, and say, “I’m awake to love!” 

  • Choose Life People Are Counting On You

    Namaste - I honor the place in you which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, truth of light, and of peace. When you are in the place in you, and I am in that place is me, We are ONE. 

    7 Steps to The Recovery of The Human Spirit’s Aware Self

    Feeling lost, out of control, do you feel like your mind, body, and Spirit isn’t listening to or supporting you? Addictions running your life? Let’s start anew.

    Step 1 - Choose to live or die, now through the eyes open meditation, and breath work, raise your awareness to realize that you’re awake aware self now sees itself as being one with the space of life rather than the something’s rising and falling in the space. Trust your desire to live. This awakens the mind as it see’s itself as one with the human spirit, and your transformed life of love, and intuition begins to open up. Continue the eye work, and the breath work throughout the day. 


    Step 2 - Experience yourself as one with the energy. Realize that a unified field of energy exists by thinking, feeling, and seeing the auric field of energy. This allows the mind, body, and human spirit to experience itself as one with our energy essence of aliveness before it takes on form as us, and all other things. This generates new pleasures of living, new vitality, and promotes fun, and passion. 


    Step 3 - Place your attention on life, and step into the irresistible attraction of, what goes around comes around. Begin to receive the energy rather than to repel it. Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. This gets the chakras flowing the right way receiving the love versus the fear. 


    Step 4 - Open your heart to receive everyone, and everything - let go of the past - forgive everyone, and everything, and ask them to forgive you. If necessary be specific, and make amends accordingly. This expanded awareness allows for the openness to make everyone, and everything right, starting with yourself. Remember to cancel, cancel, cancel out any thoughts, and feelings of fear, anger, and sadness, and replace them with the Aware Self’s gratitude, appreciation, and praise when ever you catch the negative, self talk. 


    Step 5 - Examine your story, and ask yourself: Am I Awake? By asking the question, you awaken the observer, the silent witness to step outside yourself, and observe what’s going on. It is then that you realize “it’s not you unless you say so.” Build your awareness to realize that you are the energy - the space - not the story, the identity, the mind, or body. You are the observer, the witness. Stop making yourself, and others wrong for your life. This creates personal and self-responsibility for yourself, others, and the world, without the victim hood of shame, blame, or guilt. Begin to build a network of trust, unity, honor, and teamwork. Begin to get your energy positively versus negatively. 

  •  Step 6 - Create, and list your vision, and ideals. Visualize ( eyes closed ) each ideal and hold it in a stream of pure consciousness for at least 17 seconds in your 6th, and 7th chakra’s, dissolving any negative overriding thoughts or feelings, and repeat as often as possible throughout the day. As each feeling of completion occurs, actualize the experience by embracing the energy into, and throughout your body. Trust your intuition, receive the experience. Trust the power of irresistible attraction, that which magnetically draws to you the synchronicity that will transform your material manifestations. 

  •  Step 7 - Surrender your life to be in service to the energy - that which you are, be the space for all to see. See your lover - the energy - the energy essence of the aliveness of infinite intelligence as the oneness in all people, and things. Keep breathing. Everything use to be. Remember, don’t take things personally, it’s not them or you, unless you say so. You are one with the Self Aware, illuminated field of all possibility - you - have fun, and enjoy the ride.


“Thank you Sage for your wisdom, and light. I am humbled and honored to be in your presence. I felt your power, and peace, and you’re teaching has taught me to forgive myself so I can be liberated from my stories".

”I learned, and know that I am good enough. There’s nothing wrong, and this is it. So here’s to being oneness in the space. Thank you for inspiring me to live my life fully”.
Big Love, Karen V.


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