
The Art of the Breath and Light Meditations. Ask Yourself…Am I Present? Awaken the Observer…Meditate, Breathe,Connect and Live in this Moment of Now.

Love Your Now,

The Transformation Team

With great gratitude, appreciation and praise we welcome you to the creation space of self love, courage, inspiration and the peace of mind that comes from gently balancing and lowering your brainwaves.

Listening to this THETA wave will assist you in creating a transformative meditative state, that will quiet your mind, relieve tension in your body, soothe your spirit, and help you remember how good it feels to be fully present in this beautiful moment of now.

Listen to this THETA brainwave as you study the following lesson.

It is time for “Conscious Thinking” -- Trim the Fat -- Cut Out the Junk!

Just like you would want to lose the excess weight by eating better and eliminating junk food - you should want to eliminate the junk that's in your head. The junk or negative thoughts and limiting beliefs have to eliminated and replaced with positive and empowering thoughts.

Just as you will have some fat on our body - you will have some junk in our head. If you have too much fat it will slow you down. If you have too much junk in your head it will slow you down, and prevent you from achieving success.

To start eliminating the junk in your head, as the Watcher, the Observer, begin paying attention to what you regularly think about. The next time you're driving, walking or taking a shower - catch yourself thinking. Pay attention to what you were just thinking about and make a mental note of your thoughts.

Write them down if you like. Then take a look at them - and ask yourself these questions:

Are these thoughts helpful? Are they truthful?

Do they empower me? Do they hurt anyone?

Do they make me feel better?

Do they help me accomplish my goals?

If you're answer is no - then these thoughts are really just junk in your head - just like the fat on your body - they serve no purpose and just slow you down - so you need to eliminate them.

Become the Watcher, the Observer - Thoughts have no authority over you unless you say so old master.

Get rid of the junk in your head and changes these useless thoughts by having thoughts that are empowering and allow you to achieve your goals and create the life that you want. For example: if you find that you're thinking about why something went wrong, or why you can't do something, or what you should have done, or what a friend said three weeks ago - chances are these thoughts are pulling you out of the moment of Now and are not helping you. They are not empowering you to achieve your goals. So change them. Focus on what you want to achieve and create thoughts that allow you to reach your goals. If you want to improve a relationship with a friend ask how you can improve that relationship.

When you carry junk in your head your dream team, your mind, body and spirit, on things you don’t want - they can't work on what you do want because you're sending them in the wrong direction.

Give your Dream Team, your mind, body, spirit, universe the instructions they need by living in the Now and having positive and empowering thoughts.

Be the Watcher, the Observer and start paying attention to what you are thinking. Eliminate the junk in your head and create thoughts that help you achieve your goals. You'll then be instructing your dream team to help you create the life you want.

By living in this moment of Now, your Dream Team can start making the right decisions and you'll begin enjoying success while creating a positive belief system.

We believe in you,


Half a Dozen Things to do Daily

Half a Dozen Things to do Daily

1) Make a decision to commit to discovering your greatness. When one commits, then all providence moves in your favor. "I choose to commit, explore, and to know that I am an evolving, unlimited Being."

2) Meditate daily and listen to brainwave meditations. Set up a schedule and stick to it.

3) Read and complete each day of the 21 day program. Read 10 pages of a supporting eBook for that day.

4) Find time to be IN silence often, and at least weekly. (No TV, Internet, radio, telephone, or conversations of any kind) while observing a practice of non-judgment. Really try to have NO preferences or opinions and say cancel, cancel, cancel to any inner contrary conversations.

5) Daily review the work you've done in this course. Check your email, review your journal. Begin each day, after your meditation, by writing down your top 10 positive intentions again.

6) Spend time daily thinking, fantasizing, and seeing yourself having already accomplished these goals in this eternal moment of NOW.

Come into the stillness and prepare yourself to relax using the following Guided Meditation.

David Cook